Artistic Relighting of Paintings and Drawings

Bernardo Henz and Manuel M. Oliveira

Relighting Results - Portraits

This web page contain relightings of paintings and drawings using the method proposed in our paper. Click on images to enlarge.

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Van Gogh (comparing shading encodings)

Relighting of Vincent van Gogh's painting: Portrait de l'Artiste sans Barbe. In the top row, the shading-encoding function was automatically computed to better fit all values (using least squares), while in the bottom row it fits the regions specified by the user.

Pencil Drawing

Relighting of a pencil drawing by Sunnyrays. Colormap for shading encoding was computed based on specified in-shade and lit regions.

William I, Prince of Oranje

Relighting of the painting William I, Prince of Oranje, by Adriaen Thomasz Key. Colormap for shading encoding was computed automatically.


Relighting of a caricature by Mark Hammermeister. Colormap for shading encoding was computed automatically.

Screw artwork

Relighting of an artwork made with screws, by Andrew Myers. Colormap for shading encoding was computed based on specified in-shade and lit regions.

Dad Looking Down

Relighting of Tim Benson's painting: Dad Looking Down. Comparing different types of intensity normalization: no adjustment, adjusting source shading, and adjusting target shading. Colormap for shading encoding was computed based on manually specified in-shade and lit regions.


Relighting of the painting Allyson, by Eric Daigh. Colormap for shading encoding was computed automatically.

Orc Boy

Relighting of a digital painting Orc Boy, by TARGETE. Colormap for shading encoding was computed automatically. For this example, we use the same 3-D model as for all male faces.

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