Relighting of the painting Portrait de l'Artiste sans Barbe, by van Gogh, from different directions using our technique.
Image Relighting using Shading Proxies
Bernardo Henz
and Manuel M. Oliveira


We present a practical solution to the problem of single-image relighting of objects with arbitrary shapes. It is based on a shading-ratio image obtained from the original and target lighting applied to shading proxies (warped versions of 3-D models that approximate the objects to be relit). Our approach is flexible and robust, being applicable to objects with non-uniform albedos. We demonstrate its effectiveness by relighting a large number of photographs, paintings, and drawings containing a variety of objects of different materials. In addition to relighting, our technique can estimate smooth normal and depth maps from pictures, as well as perform intrinsic-image decomposition. Preliminary evaluation has shown that our technique produces convincing results, and novice users can relight images in just a couple of minutes.


Image Relighting, Painting Relighting, Normal and Depth-Map Estimation.



Full thesis

Short version


Relighting Results

Click here to view various examples illustrating some image relightings using our method, as well as additional-applications results.




Bernardo Henz and Manuel M. Oliveira. "Relighting of Paintings and Drawings based on Shading-Color Correlation". Proceedings of the Computer Graphics International 2015, 24-26 June 2015.